Barco Nio Fusion 4MP User Manual

Nio Fusion 4MP  
Online User Guide  
Using the online User Guide  
Using the online User Guide  
Sources of information  
Overview of product documentation  
Quick install sheet  
(poster in box)  
Gives a short overview of the installa-  
tion of a complete system.  
Getting started guide  
(booklet in box)  
Gives a detailed description of the  
installation and connection of a com-  
plete system.  
Online user guide  
(html file installed on PC)  
Gives a detailed description of how to  
operate the display using its local con-  
trols and on-screen display (OSD). This  
document is to be consulted on screen.  
User manual  
(PDF file on CD-ROM)  
Contains the same information as the  
online user guide, but is laid-out for  
User interface  
Items in the navigation frame:  
Shows the complete content of the help  
Shows the available help topic entries in  
alphabetic order.  
Allows to search for a particular entry in  
the help system.  
Using the online User Guide  
Allows to add and remove help topics to  
a list of favorites. (requires cookies)  
Items in the toolbar frame  
Press this button to show the location of  
the help item in the Contents.  
Press this button to move to the previ-  
ous help topic.  
Press this button to move to the next  
help topic.  
Press this button to display related top-  
ics (if available).  
Related topics  
Press this button to e-mail the current  
help topic.  
Press this button to print the current  
help topic.  
Press this button to bookmark the cur-  
rent help topic. This topic will then  
appear in the web browser’s Favorites  
menu. (requires cookies)  
Graphic board control panel  
Graphic board control panel  
This chapter describes how to configure the displays in your BARCO NIO  
FUSION 4MP Display System using the tools available through the  
Advanced button on the Settings tab of the Windows Display Control  
Note: If you purchased Barco Medical Displays only and not a  
complete BARCO NIO FUSION 4MP Display System you will need to  
refer to the user manual for the display controller you are using.  
Languages supported  
The BarcoMed tabs support the following languages:  
English (U.S) (default)  
Simplified Chinese  
Traditional Chinese  
Note: To change between the languages select the correct  
region via the Regional Settings Control Panel in your machine’s  
Start > Settings > Control Panel.  
Graphic board control panel  
Barco Driver Properties  
Accessing the Barco tab  
Note: You must have logged on to Windows using an account  
with administrator privileges in order to use the Barco portions  
of the Windows Display Control Panel to change any display  
1. Open the Windows Display Control Panel by one of the methods  
a) Start > Settings > Control Panel > Display  
b) Open the “Display Properties Control Panel” by right  
clicking in an empty area on the desktop, then select  
c) Windows Vista: Right click in an empty area on the  
desktop, select “Personalization”, then click on“Display  
2. Click on the Settings tab (The Settings tab is not present in  
3. Select the rectangle that represents the BARCO NIO FUSION 4MP  
Display whose settings you wish to change.  
4. Click on the Advanced Settings button.  
5. Select the Barco tab from the Properties screen.  
Using the Barco tab  
The Barco tab is divided into three sections. The first section provides  
information about the graphics controller and allows access to the  
graphics controller advanced configuration pages. The second section  
provides information about the display. The bottom section allows  
access to two Barco tools, Barco System Report and MediCal QAWeb.  
Also, there is a active link to the Barco Medical Imaging Systems web  
Graphic board control panel  
Figure 1: Ex: Barco Tab  
Display Information  
Name: Displays the model name of the display.  
Serial Number: Displays the serial number of the display.  
Backlight LifeTime: This is the amount of time in hours that the  
backlight has been on. The backlight will typically last a very long  
time, but will only be able to hold the recommended calibrated  
luminance for a certain amount of time, after which time it will  
become slowly dimmer.  
Barco system report  
The Barco System Report, also known as BarcoMed SelfExam, is a  
wizard based tool which collects data about the components that are  
Graphic board control panel  
installed in your system. This information is used by the Barco MIS  
Support team when trying to resolve customer issues.  
MediCal QAWeb  
Clicking on the QA Web button will launch the MediCal QAWeb  
application. Please refer to the MediCal QAWeb manual for  
information about this application.  
Advanced properties for MXRT controller  
To access the advanced properties configuration pages for the display  
controller(s) for your BARCO NIO FUSION 4MP Display System, click on the  
Advanced button in the Graphics Device Information section.  
There are several pages accessible from the advanced configuration  
button. They are:  
• Barco Adapter Configuration  
• OpenGL  
• Direct3D  
• Rotation (when supported)  
• Details  
• OpenGL Profiles  
Barco Adapter Configuration  
The Barco Adapter Configuration page allows you to switch between  
the following monitor configurations and display options for the  
displays connected to a Barco MXRT controller:  
Display Layout  
• DualView  
Both displays are enabled independent of each other.  
• SingleView  
A single large desktop spans across both displays.  
Graphic board control panel  
• Clone  
The primary display is cloned to the secondary display.  
Color Format  
• 24-Bit TrueColor Mode  
• 30-Bit TrueColor Mode (HDR)  
Display Resolution  
• Sets display resolution for 1 or 2 displays.  
Note: To switch out of SingleView or Clone mode, the  
buttons in this Control Panel page must be used. The main  
Windows Control Panel cannot be used. Depending on your  
system, certain configurations can be disabled.  
Note: Clone Mode is supported for two color displays or  
projectors in 32bpp. Clone mode is not supported on grayscale  
displays. Also, HDR is not supported while in Clone Mode.  
When choosing Clone Mode under the Barco Adapter  
Configuration page, if two displays are enabled, then the larger  
of the two current resolutions will be used. If only one of the  
two displays is enabled, the enabled displayís current resolution  
will be used.  
When the resolution set for clone mode is larger then the  
maximum supported on a display, the resolution set on the  
Master will automatically be scaled to maximum resolution of  
the Cloned display. If the Scale to Display Preferred Mode is  
checked, the maximum resolution will be the EDID preferred  
mode. If it is unchecked, then it will be the largest mode in the  
Cloned displays mode list. Clone mode can only be exited  
through the Barco Adapter Configuration page in the Barco  
Advanced Control Panel.  
Note: Not all options are available at all times. Please select  
the help tips in the driver software for more information.  
Graphic board control panel  
OpenGL and Direct3D  
The OpenGL and Direct3D pages of the Advanced Properties page are  
divided into two sections: Main Settings and Custom Settings.  
Main Settings  
In the Main Settings section there is a slider bar which allows the user  
to adjust the OpenGL or Direct3D settings for optimum performance,  
optimum quality or for a point in between. There is also a checkbox  
provided for enabling Custom Settings.  
Custom Settings  
Note: Barco recommends that you use the default settings,  
unless your viewing application vendor provides detailed  
information on custom settings.  
In the Custom Settings section the user can fine tune the following  
• Anisotropic filtering  
• Wait for Vertical Sync  
Anisotropic Filtering  
Anisotropic filtering is a technique that preserves detail on surfaces  
that have three-dimensional perspective and fade away into the  
background. It works best when used in conjunction with  
Anisotropic filtering can be set to favor either an increase in system  
processing performance or improved image quality.  
Note: If you are unsure how to configure anisotropic filtering,  
use the Application Preference option. Your display will  
automatically adjust to the application’s requirements.  
Graphic board control panel  
Please refer to the on-line help (click on the “?” in the control panel’s  
openGL tab) for more information on using advanced features such as  
Anisotropic Filtering.  
The Advanced Settings tab enables you to apply ATI’s SMOOTHVISION  
technology for full-scene anti-aliasing. SMOOTHVISION improves  
image quality by removing jagged edges (anti-aliasing) from 3D  
images, resulting in smoother, more natural looking objects.  
Please refer to the on-line help for more information on using  
advanced features such as SMOOTHVISION.  
Wait for Vertical Sync:  
• For OpenGL the default setting is Default Off.  
• For Direct3D the default setting is Application Preference.  
Please refer to the on-line help for more information on using  
advanced features such as Wait for Vertical Sync.  
The Rotation page is visible only when the display connected to the  
current (active) head of your Barco MXRT display controller does not  
support rotation internally. The Rotation feature allows the user to  
rotate the Windows desktop to match the physical orientation of the  
(Device) Details  
The Details page provides detailed information about the display  
controller connected to the active display. This information is useful in  
debugging issues that may occur when using your BARCO NIO FUSION  
4MP Display(s).  
Graphic board control panel  
OpenGL Profiles  
The Configuration page enables you to customize display profiles for  
individual applications. Typically, you would change these settings for  
one or more of the following reasons:  
• Diagnostic purposes.  
• Fine-tuning a specific application/system configuration.  
• Specific settings recommended by your hardware or software  
• Tuning your application/system environment for best  
performance and memory usage.  
Activating a configuration profile  
The Configuration Profiles list box displays a number of common  
applications whose optimal configuration profile are factory-set by  
To activate a particular profile, select the application name from the  
list and click Apply. This will add the information to the necessary  
Windows registry settings. If prompted, restart Windows.  
If you subsequently experience problems with your application, or if  
you want to try to optimize the performance of your system on  
specific applications, modify your configuration settings accordingly.  
Adding a new application profile  
Click the Add button in the Configuration Profiles section and enter  
the name of the new application for which you want to set the  
configuration parameters.  
Modifying the configuration parameters  
To change the configuration settings of a specific application, select  
the name of that application from the Configuration Profiles list box.  
Click the Modify button. Now select or clear the rest of the  
Graphic board control panel  
configuration controls on this tabbed dialog to obtain the desired  
display parameters for the selected application.  
To remove the selected configuration profile completely, select the  
name of the application from the Configuration Profiles list box and  
click Delete.  
Note: You cannot delete the factory-set configuration profiles.  
Click the Apply or OK button to enable your Configuration settings.  
Configuring the Windows desktop  
Note: If you are using a color display in conjunction with your  
Barco grayscale display(s) you should configure your desktop  
before setting the resolution of your Barco grayscale display(s).  
You must have logged on to Windows using an account with  
administrator privileges in order to use the Barco portions of the  
Windows Display Control Panel to change any display settings.  
The recommended configuration for best grayscale image quality  
when using a color display in conjunction with your high-resolution  
grayscale display(s) is to set the color display as the primary monitor  
of the Windows desktop. Then set the colors setting on the “Settings”  
tab of the Windows Display Control Panel to the highest possible color  
depth (e.g. 32 bits-per-pixel “true color”) supported by the color  
display’s controller.  
The colors setting for your high-resolution grayscale displays should  
be set to 256 colors (8 bits per pixel). You should set the palette  
mode for the your high-resolution grayscale displays to Static Gray  
palette with NO system colors. This guarantees that all of the 256  
gray levels available for GDI graphics will be present. This also  
eliminates the danger that colors will change when focus moves  
among different applications.  
However, if you are using the Color to Gray Compatibility palette  
mode, the color setting for your high-resolution grayscale displays  
should default to True Color (32 bits per pixel). Even though this  
Graphic board control panel  
palette mode supports 32 bit True Color, Barco recommends that  
when using a using a color display in conjunction with your high-  
resolution grayscale display(s) that you still set the color display as  
the primary monitor of the Windows desktop.  
Display information  
Display information  
1. Optimize the lifetime of your display  
Enabling the Display Power Management System (DPMS) of your  
display (in the display’s Settings menu) will optimize its diagnostic  
lifetime by automatically switching off the backlight when the display  
is not used for a specified period of time. By default, DPMS is enabled  
on your display, but it also needs to be activated on your workstation.  
To do this, go to “Power Options Properties” in the “Control Panel”.  
Barco recommends setting DPMS activation after 20 minutes of  
2. Use a screen saver to avoid image retention  
Prolonged operation of an LCD with the same content on the same  
screen area may result in a form of image retention.  
You can avoid or significantly reduce the occurrence of this  
phenomenon by using a screen saver. You can activate a screen saver  
in the “Display properties” window of your workstation.  
Barco recommends setting screen saver activation after 5  
minutes of non-usage. A good screen saver displays moving  
In case you are working with the same image or an application with  
static image elements for several hours continuously (so that the  
screen saver is not activated), change the image content regularly to  
avoid image retention of the static elements.  
3. Understand pixel technology  
LCD displays use technology based on pixels. As a normal tolerance in  
the manufacturing of the LCD, a limited number of these pixels may  
remain either dark or permanently lit, without affecting the  
Display information  
diagnostic performance of the product. To ensure optimal product  
quality, Barco applies strict selection criteria for its LCD panels.  
To learn more about LCD technology and missing pixels, consult  
4. Enhance user comfort  
Every Barco multi-head display system is color matched with the  
highest specification in the market.  
Barco recommends keeping color-matched displays together.  
Furthermore, it is important to use all displays of a multi-head  
configuration at the same rate to preserve color matching  
throughout the economic lifetime of the system.  
5. Maximize Quality Assurance  
The ‘MediCal QAWeb’ system offers online service for high-grade  
Quality Assurance, providing maximum diagnostic confidence and  
Learn more and sign up for the free MediCal QAWeb Essential  
Display information  
Display controls  
Overview of controls  
The front controls are soft touch keys.  
When you touch any of them while no on-screen display (OSD) is on  
the screen, the front illumination is switched on for a few seconds.  
When you touch a key again while the illumination is on, the function  
of the key is executed.  
4 5  
Figure 2: Front view  
1. Left/Down touch key  
To move down or decrease values in the OSD.  
2. Right/Up touch key  
To move up or increase values in the OSD.  
3. Enter touch key  
Display information  
To display the OSD (on-screen display). In the OSD, this button  
acts as Enter button to make selections.  
4. Standby touch key  
To put the display in standby mode.  
5. Power LED  
Indicates the display’s power status.  
Green: Display is on (when enabled in the OSD).  
Orange: Display is in Standby power-saving mode.  
Off: Display is disconnected from the power or the LED’s on state  
is disabled in the OSD.  
Note: When the LED is disabled in the OSD, it will still be  
activated (green) when the display is on but does not receive  
any video signal.  
How to use the controls  
1. When the OSD is not on the screen, touch any of the soft touch  
The front illumination is switched on for about 10 seconds.  
2. While the illumination is on, touch the Enter  
touch key to  
display the main menu. It contains several submenus.  
3. To open a submenu, use the Up or Down touch keys to  
select the submenu. Next, press the Enter  
the submenu.  
touch key to open  
4. To exit from a submenu, use Up or Down to select EXIT.  
Next, press Enter  
If you exit from the Main Menu, you exit the OSD.  
5. To change an adjustment value or setting, use Up or Down  
to select the adjustment or setting. Next, press Enter  
to go  
Display information  
into edit mode. This is indicated by the scroll bar becoming  
Power LED  
User Controls  
Figure 3: Setting is selected  
Power LED  
User Controls  
Figure 4: Edit mode is active  
Use Up or Down to change the value. Use Enter  
confirm the change.  
Changes are saved automatically after confirming.  
6. Some items in the menus cannot be changed. They are read-  
only values, displayed in light gray.  
While you are adjusting a value:  
• Touching Up and Down at the same time resets to the last  
stored value.  
• Touching Up and Enter at the same time selects the maximum  
• Touching Down and Enter at the same time selects the  
minimum value.  
Stand-by switching  
To switch from on state to stand-by:  
1. Touch the Stand-by touch key.  
Display information  
2. A warning message appears. Press the Stand-by touch key again  
to switch the display into stand-by or press any other key to  
keep the display in on state.  
To switch from stand-by to on state:  
1. Touch any of the soft touch keys.  
The front illumination is switched on for about 10 seconds.  
2. While the illumination is switched on, touch the Stand-by  
touch key to switch the display on.  
Info messages  
The following messages may appear automatically on the screen:  
Input Selection  
The Input selection menu appears in case 2 video signals are  
connected and the resolution of one or both video signals is too high  
to display them both.  
In that case the input selection menu allows you to select one of both  
video signals.  
No signal selected  
This message appears in case the display finds no proper video signal  
at its inputs.  
Resolution too high  
This message appears in case the resolution of the selected video  
signal is too high to display.  
Text mode / Diagnostic mode  
These messages appear for a few seconds directly after switching to  
Text mode or Diagnostic mode.  
In text mode, the display luminance is approximately half of the  
luminance in diagnostic mode. Text mode is intended for using the  
Display information  
display with office applications such as word processing. You can  
switch between both modes by touching the up and down keys  
at the same time.  
On-screen display (OSD)  
Complete OSD  
Luminance and color menu  
Measured luminance  
Indicates the actual luminance mea-  
sured by the internal sensor. This is a  
read-only value. It is expressed in a per-  
centage of the calibrated value (100% is  
Luminance target  
Color target  
Allows to manually adjust the lumi-  
nance target. See note below.  
Allows to select from a list of factory-  
defined and user-defined color targets.  
Note: When you change the luminance target, the display will  
adjust its backlight to reach the target. This can be seen in the  
Measured luminance line.  
When the luminance target cannot be reached, e.g., due to aging of  
the backlight, the Measured luminance line changes to Minimum  
value reached or Maximum value reached.  
Display information  
Display Function menu  
Display function  
Allows to select from a list of pre-  
defined display functions.  
If the DICOM DF is selected, a number of  
additional settings is available.  
ALC & DICOM options  
Jumps to the ALC & DICOM Options sub-  
menu, which allows to edit the settings  
for the DICOM display function.  
This function is available only when the  
DICOM DF is selected.  
ALC & DICOM Options submenu  
Correction value  
Shows the ambient light correction  
value that is taken into account in the  
calculation of the display function.  
DICOM offset  
The DICOM DF is recalculated at the  
moment the DICOM Offset is changed,  
taking the new DICOM Offset into  
When set to “Dark Room”, the  
ambient light is not taken into  
When set to “Preset”, a preset  
ambient light value determined by  
the selected reading room is taken  
into account.  
Reading room  
Allows to select from a pre-defined list  
of reading room types.  
You must select a reading room that  
corresponds to the type of room the dis-  
play is installed in.  
Display information  
Reading room def.  
Jumps to the reading room definition  
submenu, which allows to edit the  
reading room condition settings.  
Calibration info  
Jumps to the calculation information  
submenu, which displays information  
about the values taken into account to  
recalculate the DICOM DF.  
Reading room definition submenu  
Reading room  
Indicates the reading room type you are  
editing. You can select another room to  
edit by using the Up  
touch keys.  
or Down  
Max. ambient light  
This indicates the maximum ambient  
light that corresponds to the selected  
reading room.  
If the measured ambient light is higher  
than the value entered here, you should  
take measures to darken the room or  
select another reading room type.  
Preset corr. value  
This value is taken into account in the  
calculation of the DICOM DF if DICOM  
Offset is set to “Preset”.  
To each reading room type corresponds  
another preset value.  
Calibration Information submenu  
Preset ambient value  
Shows the ambient light correction  
value taken into account to calculate  
the DICOM DF, expressed in lux.  
Display information  
Bright luminance  
Dark luminance  
Shows the bright luminance value taken  
into account to calculate the DICOM DF.  
Shows the dark luminance value taken  
into account to calculate the DICOM DF.  
Ambient correction  
Shows the ambient light correction  
value taken into account to calculate  
the DICOM DF, expressed in cd/m².  
Settings menu  
Allows to switch the display power  
management system on/off. See note  
Power LED  
Allows to switch the power LED’s on  
state on/off. The LED's orange DPMS  
state is not influenced by this setting.  
So, when the display goes into power-  
saving mode, the LED will turn orange,  
even if it was switched off by this set-  
User controls  
Allows to disable the touch keys on the  
When switched off, the user cannot dis-  
play the OSD until the user controls key-  
code is entered.  
Allows to switch the sound on/off.  
When switched on, a short beep sounds  
each time you touch a soft touch key.  
Automatic menu exit  
Allows to switch the automatic menu  
exit on/off. When switched on, the OSD  
is closed automatically when left idle  
for a certain time.  
Display information  
Input Switch Mode  
Select “Auto” if you wish the display to  
select the video inputs automatically. If  
only one video input is connected, the  
image will be shown in the center of  
the screen. If both video inputs are con-  
nected, the video signal connected to  
the “Left” input is shown on the left  
side of the screen and the signal con-  
nected to the “Right” connector is  
shown on the right side. If one of the  
video signals exceeds the resolution of  
1280x1600, the signal is suppressed.  
Select “Left” to display only the signal  
connected to the “Left” video input.  
Select “Right” to display only the signal  
connected to the “Right” video input.  
Preferred Input  
Select the video resolution you wish the  
connected graphic board(s) to repro-  
duce. After changing this setting you  
must reboot the PC so that the graphic  
board changes its resolution.  
This function takes effect with plug-  
and-play graphic boards only.  
• The DPMS system will power down the display when the  
connected computer is left idle for a certain time.  
Barco recommends to switch DPMS on to prevent image burn-in  
(image retention) on the LCD panel.  
• To enter the user controls keycode, the OSD must not be  
visible. Touch any of the soft touch keys to switch on the front  
illumination. While the illumination is on, touch the following  
keys in successive order: Enter , Down , Up , Down  
Display information  
Information menu  
The display type  
Serial No  
Indicates the display serial number  
Displays the internal software number  
Displays the current internal software version  
SW Number  
SW Version  
Display Lifetime  
Indicates the total time the display has been  
operating, including the time in stand-by  
Backlight Lifetime  
Indicates the total time the display has been  
operating, excluding the time in stand-by  
Changing Display Functions  
• The Display Function menu lets you select a display function  
• When you select the DICOM DF you can define the DICOM DF to  
be recalculated taking an ambient light condition into account.  
• In this case, the recalculation can be based on an illuminance  
of 0 lux (“Dark Room”) or a preset value (“Preset”)  
determined by the selected reading room.  
• In the latter case you must select a reading room that  
corresponds to the type of room the display is installed in.  
E.g., if the display is installed in a room where CT scans are  
observed, the “CT/MR/NM” reading room is the preferred  
• The reading room is defined by 2 parameters:  
Display information  
Maximum Ambient Light defines the maximum light allowed  
in this type of room. This value can be adjusted within certain  
limits determined by the selected reading room.  
Preset Correction Value is the predefined correction value for  
this reading room. This value can be adjusted within certain  
limits determined by the selected reading room.  
• The reading room parameters are pre-defined in the display  
according to the AAPM (American Association of Physicists in  
Medicine). However they can be changed within certain  
Display function selection  
To select a display function (DF):  
1. Touch any of the soft touch keys.  
The front illumination is switched on.  
2. While the illumination is on, touch the Enter  
touch key to  
display the main menu.  
3. Use the Up or Down touch keys to select the  
Display Function menu. Use Enter  
to open the menu.  
4. Use Up or Down to select Display Function. Use Enter  
go into edit mode.  
5. Use Up or Down to select the desired DF.  
6. Use Enter  
to save the changes.  
Display information  
You can select the following DFs:  
Select a DICOM display function for most  
medical viewing applications.  
The DICOM function results in more visi-  
ble grayscales in the images.  
Dyn Gamma 2.2  
Dyn Gamma 1.8  
These are gamma functions that are  
shifted to take into account the non-zero  
luminance of an LCD panel when driven  
with a “black” signal.  
They are especially useful in CT applica-  
tions to improve the perception of low  
Haunsfield values.  
If you select Native, the native panel  
behavior will not be corrected.  
This is identical to the Native DF.  
Gamma 2.2  
Gamma 1.8  
Select one of these display functions in  
case the display is to replace a CRT dis-  
play with a gamma of 1.8 or 2.2 respec-  
This is a user-definable DF.  
ALC & DICOM Options  
DICOM offset  
The DICOM DF will be recalculated only when another DICOM Offset is  
selected. The DICOM DF will be recalculated based on the new offset  
To select a DICOM offset:  
1. Select the DICOM display function. See To select a display  
Display information  
2. In the ALC & DICOM Options menu, use Up or Down to  
select DICOM Offset. Use Enter to go into edit mode.  
3. Use Up or Down to select an offset.  
4. Use Enter to save the changes.  
You can select the following offsets:  
Dark Room  
The DICOM DF will be recalculated tak-  
ing an ambient light value of 0 lux into  
This means that the measured ambient  
light does not influence the DICOM DF.  
The DICOM DF will be recalculated tak-  
ing a preset ambient light value into  
account. This value is determined by the  
selected Reading Room and can be  
adjusted manually within certain limits.  
Reading room selection  
This function is available only when the DICOM display function is  
To select a reading room setting:  
1. Select the DICOM display function. See To select a display  
2. In the ALC & DICOM Options menu, use Up or Down to  
select Reading Room. Use Enter  
to go into edit mode.  
3. Use Up or Down to select the reading room that  
corresponds to the room type the display is installed in.  
4. Use Enter  
to confirm the selection.  
Display information  
You can select the following reading room types::  
Corresponds to light conditions in diag-  
nostic reading rooms for computed radi-  
ology, digital radiology or  
mammography. This setting has the  
lowest maximum ambient light.  
Corresponds to light conditions in diag-  
nostic reading rooms for computed  
tomography, magnetic resonance or  
nuclear medicine scans.  
Corresponds to light conditions in office  
Corresponds to light conditions in diag-  
nostic reading rooms for clinical view-  
Corresponds to light conditions in emer-  
gency rooms.  
Corresponds to light conditions in oper-  
ating rooms. This setting has the high-  
est maximum ambient light.  
Reading room definition  
This function is available only when the DICOM display function is  
To modify a reading room definition:  
1. Select the DICOM display function. See To select a display  
2. In the ALC & DICOM Options menu, use Up or Down to  
select Reading Room Def. Use Enter  
3. Select the reading room definition you wish to modify. Thereto,  
use Up or Down to select Reading Room. Use Enter to  
to open the submenu.  
Display information  
go into edit mode. Use Up or Down to select the reading  
room. Use Enter  
to confirm the selection.  
4. To modify the maximum ambient light for this reading room,  
use Up or Down to select Max. Ambient Light. Use Enter  
to go into edit mode. Use Up or Down to change the  
value. Use Enter  
to save the changes.  
You can change this value within certain limits determined by  
the selected reading room.  
5. To modify the Preset correction value for this reading room, use  
Up or Down to select Preset Corr. Value. Use Enter  
into edit mode. Use Up or Down to change the value. Use  
Enter to save the changes.  
to go  
You can change this value within certain limits determined by  
the selected reading room.  
Switching DPMS on/off  
To switch DPMS on/off:  
1. Touch any of the soft touch keys.  
The front illumination is switched on.  
2. While the illumination is on, touch the Enter  
touch key to  
display the main menu.  
3. Use the Up or Down touch keys to select the Settings  
menu. Use Enter to open the menu.  
4. Use Up or Down to select DPMS. Use Enter  
to go into  
edit mode.  
5. Use Up or Down to select On or Off.  
6. Use Enter  
to save the changes.  
Display information  
Switching Power LED on/off  
To switch the power LED on/off:  
1. Touch any of the soft touch keys.  
The front illumination is switched on.  
2. While the illumination is on, touch the Enter  
touch key to  
display the main menu.  
3. Use the Up or Down touch keys to select the Settings  
menu. Use Enter to open the menu.  
4. Use Up or Down to select Power LED. Use Enter  
to go  
into edit mode.  
5. Use Up or Down to select On or Off.  
6. Use Enter  
to save the changes.  
• When the display is switched in stand-by, the power LED will  
turn orange, even if the power LED setting is switched off.  
• When the power LED setting is switched off, the LED will still  
turn on (green) when the display is on but receives no video  
Enabling/disabling User Controls  
To disable the user controls:  
1. Open the OSD main menu.  
2. Open the Settings menu.  
3. Select User Controls.  
4. Select Off.  
5. Return to the Settings menu.  
Display information  
6. Exit the OSD  
Now the user cannot display the OSD again until the user controls  
keycode is entered (see below).  
To enable the user controls again:  
1. To enter the user controls keycode, the OSD must not be visible.  
2. Touch any of the soft touch keys to switch on the front  
3. While the illumination is on, touch the following keys in  
successive order:  
Enter , Down , Up , Down , Enter  
As a result, the User Controls setting in the Settings menu is switched  
on again.  
Barco web sites  
Barco web sites  
Visit Barco at:  
Visit Medical Imaging at:  
November 2009  
Barco nv Medical Imaging  
President Kennedypark 35  
B-8500 Kortrijk, Belgium  

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